
Sunday, January 8, 2012

Gypsy Love and Sherlock Holmes

So many posts in one week. Shocking, I know.  I feel like my wardrobe choices have been all over the map lately, even manic...but I cant help it since I've been vibing a lot of different things lately. Baby doll dress and thigh high socks will always be my tried and true staple but after seeing Sherlock Holmes: Game of Shadows last night, it changed things up a bit. I couldn't help but try on a skirt I'd acquired at Ruby Rose several months ago without cinching it with a belt at the waist (it's a little large and requires a lot of folding over) and making it a completely different look..That of a Gypsy!!! I want to be HER, seriously, can I be HER please!!!!  

Noomi Rapace is not only lovely but she is so cool with her horse back riding and knife throwing (not down with the tarot cards...yikesies) but she is tough and still feminine, gorgeous but not sluttified. Basically, she's pretty skippy!

noomi-rapace (1)

Soooo, I've been listening to Beats Antique, Cocorosie, Gogol Bordello and other random gypsy violin players all is what it all has inspired...






I had a lovely embroidered vest that was quite the ticket but I felt it made the outfit more of a costume. Too bad. :-/ 

So there you have it, my sad, little teenage girl reason for a style change, the classic girl crush. "Oh isn't she sooooo cool!" Apparently, we don't grow out of that.

... now I just need a horse and the fighting skills (I already have the throwing knives)

Lovies and Lagoons, 



Josh said...

Love the blog. I check it often. Great to see your images and outfits and the art you create with both. Yes, believe it or not, I am a sucker for these things.


The Body Electric said...

JOSH!?!?! Yikes, that makes me so nervous!!! You with your intensely vast knowledge of photography and editing...we are novices ("we" meaning, Nate and I OR the tripod and I) clearly. pics are completely inadequate compared to all the lovely eye candy you are continually shooting! :-/

I should do about post about you!!!!!!! On my to do list for future posts!!! :-D

Anonymous said...


~sarah g

Josh said...

Ha. I happen to love your images! A post about me? Yikes indeed! Let's talk about getting you hooked up with a site, btw. Yes, lets.

The Body Electric said...

A site??? What for?

Really!??!?! I would think you'd be seeing all the little things that are hinky and off and it would drive you crazy, I see things and it bugs me and I don't even know what I'm doing!!!