(yours truly peeking from the back of a group of awesome ladies!)
So, I haven't been able to write anything in a while. It just felt weird to say, "hey, my little niece-to-be died, now look at _____"
But that is life I guess, ups and downs, serious, joyful, painful, and on and on.
Thank you a million times over to everyone that sent their love and prayed for my family. I cannot tell you how much it was appreciated. My sister has read all of your comments and it's been comforting to her in many ways to see the support and love from those she knows and even those she doesn't. Such compassion....it's a beautiful thing in the midst of ugliness.
Thank you.
On another note, and one that actually pertains to the pictures. A dear family friend is heading to Portland to work at a mission facility for the summer. We are going to miss him! His band, Brother Luke and The Comrades
is usually made up of Luke, Eric, my dearling Allie and her husband Patrick. Since this was the kick off of Luke going on a mini tour with some replacement peeps for those that couldn't leave town for a week or two, he decided to go all out and had a plethora of friends and family on stage!
It was a blast!
It was such wonderful moment to be singing and looking around and see so many people I love standing around me, singing and playing, laughing and enjoying themselves.
It was a healing moment. So many of the people on that stage love my sister, have encouraged and prayed for her....
Yeah. It was a good evening.
Again, my apologies for being gone so much lately. I've been overwhelmed.....
But life continues.
Lovies and Living,
Other bands that played or had members participate with Brother Luke's project...
John and The Eternal Subterfuge
Fierce Creatures
Thanks also to the photographer Mattography I don't know him or if he has a website. But I love love love the pics he captured.